Moses Receiving the Ten Commandments; The Israelites Dancing around the Golden Calf from Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta or The… Image from public domain licenseMoses showing the Tables of the Law with the Ten Commandments in Calligraphy (c. 1600) by anonymous Image from public domain licensePresident of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licensePresident of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseTapestry: Chancellerie by Etienne Claude Le Blond, Guy Louis Vernansal, Claude Audran III and Royal Factory of Furniture to… Image from public domain licenseMoses Receiving the Law by William Blake. Original from Yale Center for British Art. Image from public domain licenseKarttikeya, Commander of the Divine Army, Seated on a Peacock Image from public domain licenseLetters written in a Mahratta camp during the year 1809 : descriptive of the character, domestic habits, and religious… Image from public domain licenseThou Shalt Have No Other Gods before Me, from the Ten Commandments by Hans Baldung Grien Image from public domain licenseA map of the biblical Palestine with three biblical scenes: Moses and the ten commandments; the serpent on the pole; Christ… Image from public domain licenseThe Israelites Dancing around the Golden Calf by Sébastien Bourdon Image from public domain licenseMoses, with his rod and the table of the ten commandments. Etching by J. Rogers after S.W. Reynolds. Image from public domain licenseAllegorie met een engel en een standbeeld van Moeder Natuur (1790 - 1858) by Pieter van der Meulen and Hendrik de Flines Image from public domain licenseMoses, with his rod and the table of the ten commandments; with scenes from the Passion and the Last Judgement to come.… Image from public domain licensePortret ten voeten uit van Generaal van der Meersch in een interieur (1744 - c. 1842) by anonymous Image from public domain licenseChristus aan het kruis (1617) by Raphaël Sadeler I, Raphaël Sadeler II, Raphaël Sadeler I and Anna Bergia Image from public domain licensePortret van Shah Mirza; ten tijde van Sultan Abul Hasan heeft hij na Sayyid Muzaffar als commandant van de cavalerie (sar… Image from public domain licenseOntwerp voor een titelpagina met een vrouw met een monstrans (1763 - 1826) by Abraham van Strij I Image from public domain license